Monday, July 20, 2009


Our summer started off Memorial weekend with Ty playing in a baseball tourn. His team didn't do very well. The following weekend we were off to the beach. We went back to Orange Beach, Alabama. This year was a lot of fun for the kids. Kevin's sister's family went and all the kids had fun. The adults had a much more relaxed vacation this year with the kids getting older and swimming better.

We spent most of the time on the beach. The kids only went to the pool maybe 5 times over a week period.

Usually we go out a couple of nights to let the kids ride go carts and play mini golf. Ty is tall enough this year to drive the go carts. He had alot of fun. Uncle Carl took him out at the end. He was a little scared at first but then thought it was funny. Brooke had to ride with her dad. Maybe next year she'll be tall enough.

We all went to play mini golf. I think everyone got a hole in one at some point during the game. Of course, I didn't win.

That winds up our summer vacation for 2009. I hope everyone enjoyed the pics.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


The month's just keep flying by. I can't believe it is already mid May. I can't even think where to start.
Ty started playing baseball in February with his team the Titans. They played in a tournament and won second. It was a good tourn. since this was a new team.

Here's a picture of the team that was put in the local newspaper.
In April the night before spring break, Ty lost a fly ball in the lights and smack, right in the nose/cheek the ball hit. Heres' a few pictures of that incident.
The first picture was the night it happened. The second one is the next day. I was really surprised that he didn't get a black eye from it. It barely even bruised. If you look at his right nostril it's swollen. That was the extent of it.
I believe also in April we finally were able to move into his own room. He had been sharing a room with Brooke for 8 yrs. Here are a few pictures of him in his new room.

Brooke thought she would sleep with Ty the first night, but then changed her mind. Ty loves his own room. Well that catches Ty up. I'll start new now with Brooke.

Brooke played softball again this spring. She did really well, however, her team didn't do all that well.

The picture of Brooke running reminds me so much of how her brother runs. Funny how they immulate one another.
I love the picture of Brooke chasing down the girl. If you look in the background there I am pointing telling Brooke, "get her". LOL!!
In April was Brooke's birthday. This year she had a party at the movie theatre with some friends. They saw the new miley cyrus movie. They all liked it. On Easter weekend we were able to celebrate Brooke's birthday with family members.

After Brooke's birthday, we had Easter.
The kids did really well dying eggs this year. It was all about making them look good not how fast they could dye them. Easter morning is always a treat. They look so awake! We went to Kevin's parents for an egg hunt this year. It was fun to actually hide eggs this year. In years past we would just lie them on the ground. They are all old enough to hunt for eggs. yeah!!
I don't think we were able to get a group picture this year. This is the closest we got.
I believe I'm current now.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ty's birthday

I can't believe that my first born is now 10 yrs. old. Where has the time gone? They grow up so fast. Our birthday fell on a Wednesday this year. Kevin took me to lunch for me to celebrate my birthday and then we took Ty to dinner to celebrate his birthday. We let him pick out an ipod nano for his gift. It came in the mail saturday. That is a pretty neat gadget. This past weekend, we celebrated our birthday at Kevin's parents house. All family showed up. It was a really nice visit.
Thank you to everyone for coming.
Here are a few pictures Joyce took of Ty opening his presents and playing with one of them.
One of Ty's gifts was this remote control airplane. It is really neat. He is having fun with it. Of course, keeping his sister from playing with it is another story.
Thanks mamaw!

We're up to date.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year

2009. Where did 2008 go? Of course, I've gotten behind on my blog so I guess I should try and keep up better in 2009. We're going to go back a little ways.
My last post was the kids school pictures. Not much happened in September. Starting off in October, Ty took his very first deer, a doe, on opening morning. He was so excited. Here's a picture of the family with Ty's deer.

Next we had Halloween. Ty is becoming simple. He was a braves player. The big thing for him was to spray paint his hair. He loved that. Brooke was an aqua fairy. Whatever that is. We also painted her hair and she had balloon boobs. She wants to grow up so fast. Here's a picture of both costumes.

November started off with Ty finishing up fall ball with the Titans, his new travel ball team. No pictures to show for it. Bad mom! But grandma and great-grandma have some. I'll get to watch him all the time, they don't. I was tickled that my grandmother, whose visiting from Arizona, got to come and watch. Also, we had Thanksgiving this month. Again, no pictures to show for it. But memeories in my head.
Finally we're in December. We'll start with our Christmas tree.

With my grandmother still in town, we spent Christmas at my mom's house. Santa found us there. The kids had a big christmas. Ty got a new BB gun that he'd been wanting. Brooke got an electric scooter that she didn't realize she wanted until Santa got it for her. The whole family got Guitar Hero World Tour Band. I tell you what, that is addicting. The drums and karoke are hard.

I had to post this picture of Brooke. She's riding her scooter for the first time and the speed scared her a little. It was pretty funny.

On new year's eve, we also spent that night at my mom's. I do have pictures, however, my mom has them, so I can't post them.

Here we are 2009!!
My first post should probably be Ty's birthday toward the end of January. I hope everyone had a great 2008 and hopefully 2009 won't be as horrific as forecasted.
