For Brooke's birthday this year, she had a spa party. The girls had fake hair put in, make-up on their faces, their nails polished. They had such a good time.
For Brooke's gift, we got her a guinea pig. Her name is coco. The kids love this pet.
Since I'm so far behind on my blog, this one is just short and sweet.
Brooke loves cat's so that's what she got on her cake this year.

Brooke played softball again this past spring. She was on the Lady Bulldogs. The had a decent season, but at the end they had a post season tournament. It was awesome. They won!! Finally a trophy we didn't have to pay for.

I don't know how well you can tell, but this picture was the day after Brooke had crashed on a skooter. She had the biggest fat lip I'd ever seen. About 2 weeks later she wrecked again and this time put a hole in her knee. I wasn't able to get pictures of it. She's my clutz.

Ty also played baseball this spring. He played for the maroon bulldogs. They too had a decent season. In the post season tournament they finished second. They also got trophies, however since Brooke won first hers was bigger. Always something. Ty also was selected to play for the all-stars team. This picture was during one of their tournaments. It was so hot he was taking a breather while pitching changes were being made. Because of Ty's baseball we were not able to camp anymore this summer. Once he was finished we stayed home to try and work on home projects.
This pretty much sums up the summer.
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