Our summer started off Memorial weekend with Ty playing in a baseball tourn. His team didn't do very well. The following weekend we were off to the beach. We went back to Orange Beach, Alabama. This year was a lot of fun for the kids. Kevin's sister's family went and all the kids had fun. The adults had a much more relaxed vacation this year with the kids getting older and swimming better.
We spent most of the time on the beach. The kids only went to the pool maybe 5 times over a week period.
Usually we go out a couple of nights to let the kids ride go carts and play mini golf. Ty is tall enough this year to drive the go carts. He had alot of fun. Uncle Carl took him out at the end. He was a little scared at first but then thought it was funny. Brooke had to ride with her dad. Maybe next year she'll be tall enough.
That winds up our summer vacation for 2009. I hope everyone enjoyed the pics.